Thursday, December 17, 2015

Russia’s newest defence satellite EKS Kosmos-2510 successfully launched

Russia successfully launched the first satellite for its newest early warning system EKSat the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, located in Northern Russia .The satellite was delivered into a highly elliptical geosynchronous orbit or Tundra orbit.
  • The launch was carried out under the command of Deputy Commander of VKO,Commander of the Space Troops Alexander Golovko.
  • About EKS Kosmos-2510 :
    • The EKS system (Unified Space System) will consist of satellites capable of identifying ballistic missile launches from outer space.
    • The development of the program started in 2000. Currently, there are six Tundra satellites planned to be launched until 2020. The next Tundra mission is scheduled for 2016.
    • The Russian Ministry of Defence awarded in 2007 a contract for the EKS system to RKK Energia with a first test launch planned in 2009.
    Key points :
    • Russia Capital : Moscow
    • Russia Currency : Russian ruble
    • Russia PM : Dmitry Medvedev

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