Thursday, December 17, 2015

5 New long-haired wasp species discovered in India 5 New long-haired wasp species discovered in India

Five new species of wasps have been discovered in parts of India by researchersVeenakumari Kamalanathan, Prashanth Mohanraj and F.R. Khan of the National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources
Name of the five species : adikeshavus.
The Sanskrit word means first one to have long hairs.
Here are five key facts you need to know about the new wasp species:
  • They have long hair-like structures that extend from both of their wings
  • These wasps have a keen preference for spider eggs. They are often found feeding on the medium-sized eggs of common spiders
  • Their slippery haired wings allow them to slip through the silk strands of the spider egg sacs that are stored in leaf litter by spiders
  • Each wasp has a uniform length of 1 to 2 milimetre and are found in clusters
  • The discovery has inspired biologists to yield large number of parasitoids to destroy spider eggs.

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