Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tanzania names little known bureaucrat as prime minister

Former teacher Kassim Majaliwa  Sworn in as Tanzania’s new president dominated by the ruling party. Majaliwa succeeds Mizengo Pinda, who held the post since 2008. Pinda was caught up in accusations of graft in 2014.
  • Magufuli’s win in the October 25 poll with over 58 per cent of votes cemented the long-running CCM’s firm grip on power.
About Kassim Majaliwa:
  • Majaliwa aged 60 and a stalwart of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party, comes from the southeastern Lindi district.
  • He was a former deputy minister in the local government ministry, overseeing school education.
Key points:
  • Tanzania Capital : Dodoma
  • Tanzania Currency : Tanzanian shilling

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