Tuesday, December 22, 2015

India to host the First South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise

Minister of state for home Kiren Rjiju will inauguratethe first South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise (SAADMEx-2015). The Exercise will be conducted by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in Delhi
Objective :To provide a platform forstrengthening regional disaster responsemechanism among the SAARC countries will commence in the national capital region .
Participants :The common exercise with the participation of delegations and rescuers from each of the eight
SAARC Nations: India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka .
Highlights :
The key focus of SAADMEx-2015 is to test coordination efforts, create synergy andsynchronize efforts to institutionalise regional cooperation on disaster response among the member countries.
  • First day : Different kinds of disaster situations will be simulated and individual and joint response measures will get discussed.
    Second day: Response for collapsed structure search and rescue (CSSR) will be carried out at Ghaziabad to demonstrate the CSSR capabilities of participating nations.
  • Third day :Demonstration on chemical emergency response at Greater Noida on the third day.
  • Last day : Debriefing and ‘After Action Review‘ (AAR) will be conducted to gather important lessons learnt which would assist the countries to augment current and joint levels of disaster response and coordination.

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